Club points season changes

This has been talked about for a few years now among the committee, and we have decided that the Prizegiving is at a terrible time of the year for attendance. In order to keep the prizegiving relevant, we are opting to move the club points season from the currently 1 Feb - 31 Jan to 1 June - 31 May.

This means we will have a extended season from 1st Feb 2016 to 31 May 2017 while we transition. From 2017 on it will be a usual 12 month season from June to May.

Club membership dates will not change, they will still run out 31st of January. Yes this does mean that you will need to renew membership to compete in an entire points season. We have talked to a few other clubs around that have this exact setup and it works well for them, for the same reasoning as us. The prizegiving will be at a time of year where more people are available to attend, and venues are more readily available for us to use!

So, the only thing changing is the points season. Membership year stays the same, AGM still the same. The only thing changing is the points season and associated prizegiving. Confused? I hope not, but flick us an email or call if you are.

Note: We are pushing the Prizegiving in 2016 (for the 2015/16 just finished) out till March/April for the same reason. The events page will be updated as soon as we have a date set.

So you wish to enter 2 cars...?

It has come up a few times recently, so we would like to clarify where the club stands on one driver entering 2 cars.

So, you may enter in more than one car under the following stipulations:

  • You forfeit club points for the event.
  • You fill out a separate entry form and pay the entry fee for each car you wish to enter.  (e.g. 2 cars = 2 entry forms/fees).
  • The event must not be full. Entrants with one car get priority, if there are spaces left at the entries closing date then you may use your second car.

The reasoning for this is that it has been discussed that they will get twice the seat time, and more familiarity of the course and hence an unfair advantage. Valid point, and there are numerous scenarios in which we can't make it fair on everyone competing for club points. We think the above criteria are fair on everyone entering; you can still win the event and still get the event certificates for placings, but your placings will not contribute towards TCC season points.