Stratford Park Working Bee - Portacom Freshen up

Stratford Park portacom needs a freshen up, so we need your help. 

When: Saturday 8th April
Time: 10am till 1pm
Location: Flint Road
Contact Larni 0274255554 if you can help. 

Plan for next Saturday is to have two teams, one working on the inside of the container and the other on the outside of the container. If everyone could bring and wear their own hi-vis.  

If the weathers not looking great we will make the call 9am Saturday and put it out on social media. 

Things to be done, 

  • Water blast exterior

  • Removal of external wiring?

  • Thorough cleaning inside

  • Rubbish removal (old desk chairs – anyone with a skip bin?)

  • 2x doorhandles fixed with coded padlocks

  • Steps into the 2x doors of the portacom

  • Checking of & securing any windows/latches

Materials needed:

- Material for wooden steps
- cleaning products
- Access to a skip bin if possible


Equipment needed:

- Remote water-blaster trailer needed (Has own power and water on board)
- hand saw, or battery powered skill saw 
- Safe ladder 
- Hammer & nails
- Portable generator may come in handy 
- Brooms, spades, shovels

The more hands and tools on deck the better :).