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De Havilland Drive Street Sprint - Round 2 Street Sprint Series

De havilland course #2

Been awhile since we have run this event, For those who havnt seen course #2 De havilland,

Start line and HQ is on swans road approx 50m from AA center intersection. Proceed south, Right on to De Hav, with a quick left onto Vampire Pl, U-turn in the cul-de-sac, Left onto De Hav, 300 ish meter sprint to Albatross Pl, U-turn in cul-de-sac, Left onto De Hav, 150m sprint to Hercules Pl, U-turn in cul-de-sac Right on to De Hav, 150m Sprint to Left on to Swans road over finish line.

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Organizer - Kiley Jury